Google’s John Mueller said there is no score or threshold for the Google helpful content update. He said on Mastodon, “There is no “HCS score” or threshold at which HCS [helpful content score] would switch from unhelpful to helpful for SEO.

This should surprise no one, as this is similar messaging Google had about SEO compliance scores, E-A-T scores, RankBrain scores and site authority score.

John added, “It’s better to step back and think of changes like this not as an absolute positive or negative, but rather to look at the site overall, and this change in the context of that.” “Does this make the site more helpful? (perhaps yes!) I would go through the questions in our documentation, and if you’re unsure, find a way to ask folks objectively some of the questions,” he added.

So there you have it; there is no helpful content score or sorts.

Here is a screenshot of his post, in case the link does not work:

click for full size

Forum discussion at Mastodon.

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