Golang Web Frameworks You MUST Learn (2022)
In today’s Golang video, I will list down the Golang web frameworks that you should know, and you MUST learn in the Go programming language. We will go through the reasons why they made it to the top web frameworks, along with some honorable mentions that a Golang developer should know. Enjoy!

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  1. Sorry for that but rust is much better in backend when it comes to performance,for exemple golang can't handle much clients requests as rust but in the other hand golang have much libs for help interacting with database etc but rust… It soo much hard and limited at this point.

  2. I do like Go.
    At the same time I ask myself why I shouldn’t just stick to JS since serverless backend development with AWS Lambda, Cognito, API Gateway, S3 using AWS CDK allows me to pretty much to anything from the smallest micro backend to fully fledged SaaS applications – everything in the same language, JS.

    Do you see any advantages of Go in that area?

    I mean, why should I spin up a VM or containers running a Go backend when I just could go serverless and always provide the amount of resources that are actually needed / used?

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