We’ll look at every technology you need to build a frontend web application. We’ll go over languages, frameworks, bundlers, transpilers, preprocessors, and HTTP.

Every Backend Technology Explained: https://youtu.be/XBu54nfzxAQ

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0:00 Frontend vs backend
0:25 HTML
0:51 CSS
1:15 JavaScript & JavaScript framework
2:22 Bundler & transpiler
3:26 CSS preprocessor
4:14 CSS framework
4:34 HTTP
5:21 Review & conclusion




  1. so Front-End is simply put:
    1. HTML(5) {Logic of WebPage}
    2. CSS {Form of WebPage}
    3. Scripting Language (Javascript/Python) {Interactive Logic of WebPage}
    4. Document Object Model (Javascript?) {Changes of WebPage} [or framework to abstract DOM]
    1. HTML5 [non-negotiable:must use]
    2. Bootstrap [CSS-Framework] + Sass [preprocessor]
    3. Webpack [Javascript-bundler] + Typescript [Javascript xtr feat]
    4. Vue.js [Script-Framework]
    = full stack
    Bundler = bundles files together
    Transpiler = extra features alises to normal code
    Preprocessor = Bundler + Transpiler
    Framework = code that someone wrote from source code for a certain application
    CMS = Content Management System
    XMLHTTPRequest = AJAX Programming request [broadcast request -> URI listener] (XML-file)
    Axios-http or fetch API [basically a framework for requests]
    Hope you have a great day & Safe Travels!

  2. I believe that if you mention Tailwind, it would be a fully up-to-date video with the latest features. Bootstrap is somewhat outdated compared to the features offered by Tailwind. I'm assuming you understand what I'm referring to. Additionally, your video is excellent, and I wish you all the best.

  3. I am just dabbling and wetting my foot in programming.

    I have played with Html, CSS, and Javascript but the other framework I have not had the pleasure of working with yet. I have heard of them, but have not had the pleasure of working with them yet.

    This video has made what different programming language, framework , and software does a lot clearer.

    Thankyou for the clarity!

    Thanks for uploading the video!👍👍

  4. I am sure that to provide us with this so short and precise info you must of done loooots of studying/or working experience – so I really thank you for sharing it with us!!!

  5. This is so much better than those 30 hour long Udemy courses which primarily only teach you how to copy paste code.
    Trust me, I’ve gone through initial 20-30% of such web development courses and yet they do not cover the purpose of web technologies that exist in this manner.

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