Your router is responsible for sending Wi-Fi signals to your phone, laptop, smart TV, security cameras and more. It has a big job.

Sometimes it’s the reason your internet connection is spotty, but not always. Tap or click for my guide to troubleshooting your bad Wi-Fi.

Your router plays a crucial role in network security too. It’s bad news should someone hack into your router. Tap or click for a free check to see if yours has been compromised.

There’s a limit to what your old router can do, no matter how well you take care of it. Do you need a new router? Read on to find out and get help selecting the right one for your home.

Your old router is easier to hack

Your router may be doing a fine job keeping you connected to the internet, but is it keeping you safe? The latest security standard is WPA-3, released back in 2018. Any router that uses WPA-2 encryption needs to be replaced.

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