Home Web Design Tutorials Freelance Web Design Pricing strategy: how much to charge for a website

Freelance Web Design Pricing strategy: how much to charge for a website


Are you undercharging your Web Designs? Do you have doubts about how to justify your website prices? Do you lack confidence asking what you know you’re worth as a Web Designer? In this video, I’m going to dimistify pricing, and give you a practical guide to website pricing, to help you begin to increase your rates as a freelancer.

Business skills for Web Designers (playlist): []

If you want learn my process to get hired or get new clients, I prepared a free course called the Web Design Booster to teach you the strategy that helped me get my first job, and that I kept applying to get hired at MediaMonks, R/GA and get offered jobs at Apple & Microsoft, as well as get great freelance clients.

And if you are ready to learn award-winning Web Design skills, and design a lifestyle full of freedom where you can feel creatively challenged while not having to worry about money, then click the link below to apply to my signature mentorship program, the Web Design Master Class. I will schedule a call with you so we can chat and decide if my program is the right fit for you.

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  1. Prices you stated were so much lower than I expected to hear I was honestly shocked. I’m now not sure if you’re denominating in US dollars or some other currency. But in USD the idea of making $1,000 monthly is poverty.

  2. I am currently a Certified Wix Partner/web designer. I really need to learn webflow. I tried & got frustrated, quitting. BUT I am determined. I took a web design class in college but one class is not enough. So I will learn again fully.

  3. I'm more of an illustrator/concept-artist (also worked at Mediamonks) but this knowledge applies to almost all creative fields. I price artwork towards clients particular budgets, try to gauge it a little from their own site/work etc. It's pretty hard to narrow down on one particular style or niche though as people need all kinds of stuff nowadays, that's what i struggle with the most, the focus. Refreshing to hear all this so thank you, and will definitely check out more of your vids!

  4. thanks for the info but I have a question, you said 1,000 for a website in 3 sizes but is this also with development or just design ?? with tax ? I'm living in Germany and her 19% tax on top

  5. Im from Latvia. I have been doing this thing as a hobby and actual worked for an agency for years. But i had 0 experience in sales, working for this local agency was hell, so i decided to quit the whole thing and got a job in design but in a whole different industry.

    Some years passed, and i desire freedom. I have accumulated some real estate with the job i have + a loan, before the real estate crash in Europe, but i was starting to experience inflation. My wage was the same, but the prices around me were sky rocketing.

    So i decided to peruse web design, branding, ad creation once again. Re educated myself for a year doing free work and fun stuff. For the past half year I've been getting clients for web design and ad creation witch has provided me with extra income for a fraction of my time and it feels amazing and addicting.

    So my rate at this time is pretty low, but i try to ask for around 800EUR + tax(around 43%) if the gig is doable in a month or less. That covers my living expenses, but i still have my jobs.

    Im trying to develop this as a stable income so i can quit my underpaid job, but its quite a pickle, i don't want to lose my real estate.

  6. I've been learning new skills in webflow and figma for 2 years and still not had one client. I'm currently trying to replicate and improve an awesome website I found that won numerous awards. Its going well so far. Maybe I need to advertise now. It was all about never thinking I was good enuf for work as I'm self taught. But my 12yr old girl is bigger than my fears. 💪🏼 thank you for the incredibly insightful video. They give me confidence to make a start and try to find clients. 😊

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