A first look at Football Manager 2022. Showing off new features, the match experience and brand-new animation engine while answering questions with Studio Director, Miles Jacobson.

FM22 is coming Nov 9th. Pre-purchase now to get 10% off plus early Beta access: https://FM22.store/PrePurchase

For more information on the headline feature areas: https://FM22.info/Features

For all the latest news, follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FootballManager

Contents of this video

Intro: 0:00
Animation Engine: 3:00
Data Hub: 17:45
Staff Meeting: 28:10
Player Value Changes – 32:20
Matchday – 42:00
Dynamic Youth Ratings – 55:50
Matchday – 1:02:00
Manager Creator – 1:17:00
Matchday – 1:23:00
Scout Reports – 1:32:00
Matchday – 1:35:15
Matchday – 1:45:50
Matchday – 1:58:00



  1. Play fm 10 years before, got this game on Xbox game pass, saw all the repeated missing open shot , realized it was the same game 10 years before, uninstall

  2. Older FM had much more realistic match engine with much more 'random' things here and there. You could see a player doing an amazing pass that you hadn't seen before, or a left back trying to enter the area by dribbling one after another. That you don't see it anymore, all players do the same thing over and over. With the epitomy of that, the wing backs crossing ALL the time over the defender, ball ricocheting and you win a corner. WOW

  3. Something Don mentioned about 1 hr 30 min, has for a long time, been a question i always ask, i don't see game difficulty levels?, or is the selected manager ability the difficulty levels?. i ask because my bro, has won everything on every single version of the game which he's played (he's played it a lot), uaing a currently non league club…..my point is for many people, when something starts getting to easy, it ceases to be a challenge and therefore ceases to be interesting……anyway thx for showing the game, and especially Miles, for explaining some impressive features, especially for me the improvement of youth players even if the are playing in other nations..also for me i think it's no secret for a lot of players even ex players, we dream of the day this series is for one of a better expression, married with the visual and graphical fidelity of PES, chants commentary and the best, well i can dream..

    Football one game ONE name, period

  4. same old wooden animations, same old floating on grass players, same old….next years update 2023 will probably add realistic grass on pitches?, all for the same cost again 😉 Bout time they started rewarding loyal fans who buy the game year in, year out with a discount on new iterations, instead of ripping them off each time, for very little in return. I expect a 'new' game for the same rip off price of 30+, and not some patch that is just 2021 version with nothing but the year changed, even the interface is still 2021 with little tweaks that you need new spectacles to be able to notice.

  5. Improvements to the match engine are always welcome, but when the game comes wrapped in the same graphical overlay that were present 6 years ago you don't really appreciate it. I've been a life-long fan of these games and I've defended them from nay-sayers over the years…but it seriously needs a graphical upgrade for to feel truly evolved.

  6. I'm still playing FM20. My only complaint is the players are always coming for new improved contracts when there is still a few years remaining on the current one. Drives me mad. Spend hours finding bargain players for them to want new contract after a year? Going from $30000 per week to $100000 per week. Surely this isnt realistic? Has this been sorted in FM22?

  7. 37 years old literally bought every single cm/FM since cm93
    But this will be the first year ever I will not. I'm sick of paying full retail price for what is basically an expansion pack.
    The 3d still plays out as cringingly to watch as ever. I still use 2d id rather fill in the blanks with my imagination.
    Problem with 2d now they have totally neglected it and it looks so bland it's just so dull and non -immersive.
    Go back and check the 2d on fm1
    12 it had lovely graphics. Why has it gone so backwards???
    all those highlights could of been taken from anything from FM 13 onwards. Just looks so basic. Every move and player robotically boring predictable . Horrible to watch

  8. Just en idé! Snälla gör om några ändringar i spelet än bara värma om o om o servera. Till exempel låt mig gör min egen tactic ( totalt menar jag) till exempel alla spelarens roll tas bort o bara instruktioner blir kvar så jag väljer själv väm står vart medan bollen är i olika platser av planen. Så mitt lag står 3 4 3 när bollen är på vänster sidan av planen samtidigt laget står 3 4 1 2 när bollen är på mitten av planen samtidigt när mitt lag har bollen i egen halva då står laget 4 1 2 1 2…… med mera

  9. One issue i have had in previous fms is with player promises when negotiating signings. Let’s say i’ve already strengthened the squad in midfield with new signings and the final new signing says that he wants a promise that i will strengthen the team. He totally ignores the signings i have just made some of whom have yet to arrive. Then later on he accuses me of not strengthening the team. An option is needed in negotiations to tell the player that the team has already been strengthened.

  10. I would be embarrassed to sit there and say " new animation engine" …what a joke. After ten years it still looks like a mobile game. Every year you release sane game with minor changes. It must of took one person a month to do these changes if that. You are lazy developers that rip off customets trying to charge full price for squad updates. Yet again not buying it because you make zero effort. Tge match e gine has been same for whay ten years? Laughable. Ontop of this no owner or director options…no ability to build stuff to increase money..no ability to build and design a 3d stadium….lm sure the fanboys will still buy it while yellng about how u cant expect it to look like fifa…we dont..we do expect advancement each year tho. ..you do nothing…new animation engine? Ok ..show a game of 2021 running next to fm 2022… Actually just compare it to fm 2016 or earlier…lazy developers releasing same game every year…at least the menu screens change colour tho eh.

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