In this Figma speedart tutorial you will learn how to use Figma and Midjourney to create this incredible home page.

It does not matter if you have never used Midjourney. I will explain the whole process to you and in any case I will let you find the images I used in the tutorial in the link below.

Artificial intelligence is a great tool that allows us to create truly captivating assets.

In this case, I created a futuristic version of Batman and created a home page that looks like a website for the launch of a new Batman movie.

To complete the work I prototyped the whole page with simple animations.

Link to download the images:

Typography download:

To design a Figma Batman homepage..

This is the prompt I used on Midjourney:
Closeup portrait shot of robotic batman standing in rain on roof, biomechanic robot in a scenic scifi environment, fire and fire particles behind him, smoke, blurred lights on his head, clean 3d render, intricate, elegant, hyper detailed, centered, highly detailed, lifelike, bronze metal, hyper photorealistic 3d render, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, warframe, extreme illustration, Unreal Engine 5, Photorealism, HD quality, 8k resolution, cinema 4d, 3D, beautiful, delicate, illustration, trending on pinterest and artstation



  1. Bro I am making a toy review affiliate website. Can you make a beautiful design for me with midjourney ai please 🙏🥺. I have not taken midjourney subscription. Please 🙏🥺 help me brother 🙏.

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