Learning HTML, CSS and Javascript is not enough to become a Web Developer. In this video we will cover:
1. How to learn front end web development
2. How to learn back end web development
3. How to become a full stack web developer
4. How to learn React, Tailwind, Express, MERN, MongoDb
5. How to become a Software Engineer

► FREE resources:
↳ Front end development
1. HTML: https://www.w3schools.com/
2. CSS: https://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp
3. Javascript: https://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp
4. Tailwind Documentation: https://tailwindcss.com/docs/installation
6. Tailwind tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v74SZBVMPa0
7. Intro to React: https://reactjs.org/tutorial/tutorial.html
8. React Basics: https://reactjs.org/docs/hello-world.html
9. React Tailwind Project by Traversy Media: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiGmAI5e91M
10. Linkedin clone with React: https://youtu.be/QaYts9sPmcY

↳ Back end development
1. NodeJS with Express and MongoDb by Traversy media: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBvmnHTQIPY
2. Express documentation: https://expressjs.com/en/api.html

↳ Full stack development
1. WhatsApp clone: https://youtu.be/gzdQDxzW2Tw

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↳ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/power_couple26/
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#webdevelopment #frontend #backend #fullstack #html #css #javascript

DISCLAIMER: All opinions shared on this channel are our own and don’t express views or opinions of our employers. We only use our experiences and public knowledge to make our content. NO CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION of our employers is used or shared on this channel. This is not a Professional Coaching channel, it only highlights the public resources that have worked for our careers.



  1. Nothing against Angela bro, she encourage people to do a lot praxis and if u dont even have a foot in the door a 60 hours course with excercise is perfect to learn and build a foundation.

    Your video Shows that u probably didnt know anything about the courses u mentioned or showed

  2. This is a wildly inaccurate interpretation of online coursework like a web development bootcamp. In a web dev course you will spend many hours building projects. So the watching vs doing comparison is not accurate.

  3. You are right that it's highly inefficient to be only learning theory without much "doing".
    I am convinced and know from experience in other areas that the truth is in the middle.
    You need a theoretical basis in order to intelligibly apply and "understand" what you are doing.

    This is how I am doing it:
    I am switching it up…little bit of theory (reading and watching) and then consciously doing coding…back and forth and so on.

  4. Hi… This is an amazing video… Thanks for the information… But just wanted to have a suggestion for people from NOn IT to IT who have have done BE n working in insurance domain.. I have done software testing in selenium using Java.. kindly suggest the roadmap to enter into IT

  5. 1: Learn the basics of HTML, CSS and JS using W3schools exercises. HTML until HTML Graphics. CSS until CSS Grid. JS until JS HTML DOM. Once you are done do the test quiz.

    2: Don't stick in the basics for too long. Do projects.

    3: Learn a CSS framework. Bootstrap or Tailwind. Decide depending on which one has more job offers in your area first.

    4: Learn a JS framework. Angular or React. Same advice as number 2. Learn React by doing.

    5: Keep building projects to practice your skills. That'll always be better than passive learning.

    6: Learn back-end. Node.js is a good choice if you learned JS. And one of the best Node.js libraries to learn is Express.

    7: Try to create projects to easy your daily life. For example, a note taking app, or a routine tracker app. Add back-end to those projects you've build once you finish learning back-end.

    8: Learn MongoDB. That's a NoSQL Database. And that way now you know the full MERN stack.

    9: Since you are learning by doing, some concepts may not be clear. When that happens, refer to the documentation. That's how they do it in Software Development.

  6. I'm non IT background so I want to switch my career Into IT industry so If I learn front end developer from available free sources ,then how to apply and where I get internship plz make on video either who have experienced about it plz comments below,give your advise…!

  7. For a good resource to learn web design, a site called freeCodeCamp is amazing! Everything is structured in lessons with small projects at the end of the section where you have to apply what you learned and build your own site. I really like it because they teach you the basics, but later on they'll vaguely reference what they want you to do, and you're expected to know the syntax and how to implement it. I've really learned a ton in just the two weeks that I've been practicing it.

  8. udemy 64 hrs course of angela yu not good? i mean got this course for 389 nd wanted to learn some skills so i took that decision and i think i did correct rather than surfing for free course from one place to another

  9. Hello brother, i really like your content, i just want to ask you a favour, please fix your sound audio and get a proper microphone so we can hear you better.

  10. You're saying people need 6-10 hours to learn HTML and CSS? It took me a whole month and I'm still only half way through CSS. Am I doing something wrong or am I just that dumb?

  11. this video is literally a gold mine of info especially in the ocean of videos explaining how to become a fullstack or web dev. thank you, im going to start my journey soon and cannot wait to actually build my careeer in this!

  12. I have already tried lots of ways to learn web development like you already mentioned some of them like taking a bootcamp from udemy or learning from youtube tutorial and i failed to learn and also got demotivated…..so now i am going to try the way you mentioned in this video to learn web development and i will be back to thank you for the advice if i truly able to learn web development this time without getting demotivated .

  13. Hai ,,Can i actually study anything from an official Documentation,i mean can it help me to learn any of these technologies without wasting time watching vedios??Does it provides every information regarding a particular language/technology..I have been doing Front end course on Coursera..so is it better to continue that way or look up documentations??
    Please reply.

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