Home Web Design Explore the Ollie WordPress theme dashboard

Explore the Ollie WordPress theme dashboard


Download the Ollie block theme for free at and start building beautiful, blazing-fast websites with modern WordPress and Ollie.


Hey folks, Mike here from Ollie and in this video, I want to give you a quick introduction to the Ollie dashboard and some of the handy educational tools we’ve built into the theme to help you design and build your websites quickly.

Ollie is a WordPress block theme, which means that all parts of the theme are made with content blocks that are fully editable via the WordPress interface. Everything from headers and footers to full page designs can be edited with the native site editor inside WordPress.

Ollie supports all of the powerful new editing features like patterns, global styles, and of course, the site editor. Because these features are still new to many people, we’ve built some really handy educational features and video tutorials into the Ollie theme to help you learn while you build with block themes.

The Ollie dashboard is your one-stop hub where you can find all the settings, tools, and educational resources related to Ollie. Let’s hop into WordPress and take a look around.

The Theme Setup page is a one-of-a-kind guided setup wizard that automates those pesky tasks that you have to do every time you set up a new site.

The wizard will help you change common settings, set up your branding, automatically create pages, and more. Within a few clicks, you’ll have your site set up and ready to customize.

The Docs page is where you can find theme documentation and other resources for the Ollie theme and new WordPress features. Have a question about the Ollie theme? Stop by the docs first and see if we’ve covered it!

Education is a big part of the Ollie brand. Because of that, we’ve included an educational video library in the theme. Simply visit the Video Library to view high quality video tutorials about all the new WordPress features and how to use them with Ollie.

Ok folks, I hope that was a helpful tour of the Ollie dashboard. Go ahead and take a look around or start the site wizard if you’re ready to start creating your new website. See you in the next video!

You can download the Ollie block theme for free by visiting



  1. I knew WP was powerful but never liked builders or all the shenanigans that come along with trying to setup up a "simple site" online. Ollie changes that for me.

    I'll be building with Ollie going forward, it's a delight to use and can't wait to try this new dashboard 🤩

    This should be the default/built-into-WP kinda thing. (Automattic take notes). It's that good.

  2. What I really like about your efforts in general and the Ollie Theme in particular (especially what I think of as the ¨Ollie as workflow¨ approach) is that what your are presenting, and the tools you are sharing so generously, all have the characteristic of showing what can really be achieved using the WordPress editor itself, without complicating ourselves with vendor lock-in with this or that old-fashioned and costly ¨builder¨. Definitely going to use Ollie theme for current project. Thanks for this new series of videos, and looking forward to the ¨onboarding¨ theme wizard

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