Home Web Design Tutorials EASY! Hand-code an HTML + CSS layout

EASY! Hand-code an HTML + CSS layout


With a handful of tags and a little CSS, you can build a layout completely from scratch!

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In this web development tutorial for beginners series, we’re learning html and css from the very beginning. We’ll learn by building a website from scratch rather than doing a separate html tutorial for beginners an css tutorial for beginners.

We’ll learn about div tags and semantic tags that we can use in the place of div tags to make our html more readable.

Also watch: “Tailwind CSS – why CSS utility classes save so much time”



  1. А як ви будете спілкуватись з людиною яка безсоромно краде у вас гроші і при цьому звинувачує вас в тому, що ви даєте недостатньо грошей?

  2. Thank you, so much for sharing your knowledge on YouTube; after about a minute my layout did what I asked it to do. I did not know you could add your CSS to the very same html page, however as you clearly explained it worked. Two thumbs up!!dude.

  3. I need help linking a css layout i am creating. The HTML file I have will not correspond its prompts I inputed in the code for a website I need.
    All folders have these files saved in them revised and it still will not correspond its prompts on Visual Studio Code. Can you help me?

  4. These tutorials are C quality if I were grading them. I'd give the media query video a D.

    ContinuIng through the series, you begin to speed up and I can assure you that you will lose a "beginner". You can't just suddenly throw the term "dom" in without explaining what that means. Even if you explained it in an earlier tutorial, you need to reinforce the meaning. Secondly, why are you adding in flexbox to a "beginner" tutorial series? Just stick with the basics without flex, then start an "intermediate" to "advanced" tutorial series and start explaining a design with flex.

    When you got to media queries, you lost me — a beginner. You started rushing the video. WHY? Slow down! Extend the video.

    Overall, I wasn't happy with your presentation and lack of adhering to the mentality of the beginner.

    You obviously care more about views and subs than teaching. 🙄

  5. I'm only really probably a beginner in html and all that, but I think another way to do the article from the Bing section on the bottom would be to make one div, have a image, paragraph, and div inside of it and floating left, andake the second div have a different background color.

  6. 4 days of lectures, various other youtube tutorials, and here you are, making this AMAZING video that summerizes exactly what I needed to know and more.
    Even manages to bring structured logic to it all. 🙂

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