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Docker Tutorial for Beginners


Docker Tutorial for Beginners – Learn Docker for a career in software or DevOps engineering. This Docker tutorial teaches you everything you need to get started.
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0:00:00 Introduction
0:00:57 Prerequisites
0:01:40 How to Take This Course
0:02:26 Getting Started with Docker
0:03:10 What is Docker?
0:06:25 Virtual Machines vs Containers
0:09:39 Docker Architecture
0:11:54 Installing Docker
0:15:29 Development Workflow
0:17:45 Docker in Action
0:27:54 The Linux Command Line
0:28:47 Linux Distributions
0:29:49 Running Linux
0:35:01 Managing Packages
0:38:35 Linux File System
0:40:33 Navigating the File System
0:44:53 Manipulating Files and Directories
0:48:20 Editing and Viewing Files
0:52:15 Redirection

#Docker #DevOps

Docker is the de facto standard for building, shipping and running applications in a consistent manner. That’s why most companies use it and are looking for developers with Docker skills. If you’re looking for a career in software or DevOps engineering, you must have Docker on your resume. And not only that, you should know it well and be able to use it to effectively package and deploy your applications.



  1. Thank you very much Mosh. I just started an education as a programmer and i had no idea about docker. But your explanations of the functions itself, and ur tutorial of actually using it was just great

  2. Dear Mosh, Thank you so much for your great coding courses. I need to take your full docker course but I am inside marze porGohar and I have no access to my payment services. Is there any possibility to pay for this course with another payment methods?!

  3. You said you just uploaded your newly created container to dockerhub, but not explain, and I hasn't find out how, maybe it's not that intuitive for a totally new user like me. I know that finally I'm going to be able to upload my containers but would you mind to tell us how? Thanks, great tutorial by the way!

  4. Edit: nm, he covered this later.
    One more useful tip for people who are new to bash, if you're typing in a filename or directory and hit "tab" before you finish typing it, it will do an autocomplete. If it goes to the wrong file or directory, you can hit tab again until you find it.

  5. It seems like virtual machines are broken nowadays anyway, I've tried on three different machines just to set up a webserver, and it seems like there's always some point where the O.S. breaks down. It could just be VMs on Windows. Thanks!

  6. You should have mentioned the differences among Hypervisors, Linux Containers and Docker. The types of containers according to its level: Operating System Level and Application Level.

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