Dave DiGregorio is the Vice President at Sterling Sky, Inc, and while we spoke a lot about SEO, we also spoke about lot about Michael Jordan trading cards. This is a long interview where we talk SEO while also looking at the cards. At the end of this video segment, I travel to his home to see how PSA graded the cards, so don’t miss the last video in this segment.

So Dave DiGregorio has two personalities: local SEO by day and trading card expert by night. He first got into professional trading cards and sports memorabilia early on in his career in 2009 through 2013. In fact, he did a lot of writing and creating blog posts at his first job, writing about memorabilia, and that is how he started to get into SEO. So he traded his way into SEO through trading cards, what a journey.

He joined Martindale for six years to do SEO there and then eventually joined Joy Hawkins in 2019 at Sterling Sky. Dave is involved in a lot of the operations as the company scales and grows. Dave spoke about how they hire at Sterling Sky they don’t often look at the most skilled individuals but rather the one that fits best into the company culture. They can train people to do the work.

Sterling Sky has always been a remote company, and that is why hiring the right person is so important. He said a lot of those they hire had a bad experience with their previous companies. We transitioned a bit into talking about how the Chicago Bulls had to bring Dennis Rodman into the Bulls culture. So just like with trading cards, you want to find something that is scarce and in very good condition. So just like you want to find the best employees who are hard to find, you also want them to be in good condition.

I explained how I used Google Lens to find the price of these, and the prices were all over the place.

You can learn more about Dave DiGregorio on LinkedIn or on X @deegs20.

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