In this video Diana will show you how to create a website with Canva in less than one hour!

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Diana is one of our Canva Certified Creatives (CCC) from Colombia. She’s an online course creator and teaches about Canva, photography, Instagram marketing and Personal Branding.

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Our Canva step-by-step tutorials for freelancers and small businesses:

Our “Canva for Beginners” Free Course:

Recordings to our Canva Space Webinars:


About Canva:
Canva is the world’s most inclusive design platform that lets anyone design anything and publish anywhere. Canva can help you express ideas, unleash your creativity and achieve your goals. Available in 100 languages and on any device, start with one of Canva’s 50,000 templates and see where your creativity takes you.

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#Canva #Tutorials #Website



  1. Excellent video. I have a doubt. Once you publish a design using the three dots how you add a page to that design? Do I have to open the website within canvas? May I know how to do that? I don’t Know I am confused 🤔 thank you

  2. Hi Love the content, follow what I thought was a website template only to find when I finished that it is a presentation! is there a way to convert of have I wasted 5 hours?

  3. Love, 💞👍 this info, was busting my head for a simple website & I'm not teck savy 😔, love canva for having the solution, great job guys😜💯, thank you so much🎉

  4. Who knew canvas could make websites, Thanks for the video? We have surprises in this industry. Mobirise for example is killing it, 4800+ block a beast of a website builder, I mean competition is becoming exciting

  5. Hey Canva, I would like to say that there are a few limits to your website builder. There is no domain name connection and it is not really responsive and you need a mobile version.

    Although Canva is a great tool to quickly make beautiful designs, it's not really for a website but more of a prototype builder someone can access and see. I see alot of potential for this amazing all in one tool and improvements can help alot.

  6. A very useful tutorial… Very nice explantions , I am suprise that CANVA has so much stuff inside , Lastly u can also explain how to publish, that part is missing. Thanks a lot……SUBHAGURU

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