Watch Part 2:

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Don’t waste more time dragging things around until they look good. Watch Matt talk about the Principles of Layout on part one of this series of videos. In today’s episode, he discusses 3 ideas: Focal Point, White Space, and Hierarchy.

00:00 – Introduction
01:00 – Focal Point
02:38 – White Space
03:48 – Hierarchy
04:56 – Examples

⬇ Did you find this video helpful? Tell us what you think in the comments section and stay tuned for the next two videos. ⬇

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  1. The thing about the Pantone website is that all of this just comes down to one thing: art. Designing is an art. And there is no one way to do art. By saying that it's always about focals points, hierarchy etc is kinda a narrow minded view. It's like you're forcing and dictating how the designer should do his job. Personally I find the Pantone website design great. I don't see any problem with it.

  2. I have a question about the page/section height. When I watch design videos, most often when designing for desktop screen sizes designers use a 1440×1024 frame however the actual viewport height of the browser is usually significantly less. As a developer I can either make the section vertically responsive and make each section fit perfectly into the vh(viewport height) or keep the height pixel perfect to the design and just accept that on many devices the bottom of the hero section for example would not be visible until the user scrolls down. I am a developer with a some design skills but I'm very green In web design so I imagine this may be obvious for some however I was curious if there was a concrete/industry standard solution or if this is more of a judgement call.

  3. Interesting, but the demo are on company profile with lenient creativity boundaries where you can make and put images in layout that suit the brief and eye candy. how about e-commerce website? I've seen lots of ecommerce/marketplace website kinda all same and repetitive. can you give study case about how to implement better design on e-commerce website where the goal are always to put all the product in front and give more conversion.

  4. Can anyone recommend where a back end dev (me) can learn the basics of design. I don’t need to be an expert but making our internal apps look better will be key to getting buy in. Sick of basic sites that are just a combination of forms for inputting πŸ˜•

  5. As a musician and engineer of 12 years, I absolutely LOVE all the analogies you made between web design and music composition. I never thought about it like that, just like how music needs soft and loud dynamics to remain interesting, it makes perfect sense the same concept applies visually.

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