THE STAGE 2022 is LG’s new product launch platform
dedicated to LG’s home entertainment offerings
showcasing our latest innovations and sharing with you, all around the world.
LG’s vision for the future of home entertainment
so from the latest in OLED technology
to the way you experience content on TV.
THE STAGE 2022 is full of wonderful surprises
that are coming your way.

00:00:00 Welcome Speech
00:06:15 OLED evo
00:08:14 OLED Introduction
00:11:20 α9 Gen5 AI Processor
00:17:37 OLED Gaming
00:22:06 OLED Design
00:25:03 Beyond TV Experience
00:30:42 Closing Speech




  1. 오프닝 ‘Home Sweet Home’ 잘 듣고 잘 봤습니다!
    어쩜 서로 그리 잘 어울리는지!
    3개의 현악기가 가족이 되었네요^^
    집에서 연주하는 교차편집, 너무 잘 어울렸습니다.
    멜로디 라인이 유려해서 즐거워요*^^*

  2. I Got my LG C1 that I love and I know how LG is, $100,000 TV most dont want an Useless 8K res an very small minut upgrade year-to-year with BIG marketing Talk, with Still ONLY 100Mbps Ethernet connection (witch will suck for movie streaming) Plus we All know QNED absolutely sucks by comparison to most other TVs. But I WONT be getting another TV until at least 2026. Plus that will give Time to pass to see where QD-OLED goes and see what it's about an how LG answers to a Possible BETTER then OLED tech. Sony has Better Chips an Processors for better Picture, BUT Everything else about Sony SUCKs

  3. LG, I am Ukrainian. My city Nikolaev is under Russian bombardment. President of Ukraine informed on TV today that while many western companies left Russia to protest the Russian aggression against Ukraine, LG is still does business with Putin and did NOT leave Russia. This is shameful attitude on LG part. While Putin kills Ukrainian kids and women, while he bombards hospitals and residential areas, LG makes money that are covered with the Ukrainian blood.

    LG means Life is Good. No, the life is not good for Ukraine now. Not at all.

    Stop making business with Putin! Stop it now!

  4. Everyone reading sounded like a robot…
    If your company’s speakers are not prepared to read from a teleprompter, then hire professional speakers. Whole presentation was weird and monotone.

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