Master modern web development by building a responsive React JS application consisting of a stunning hero section, high-quality assets and gradients, business stats, reusable feature sections with call-to-action buttons, testimonials, and more!

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πŸ“š Materials/References:
GitHub Code (give it a star ⭐):
Figma Design:
GitHub Gist Code Snippets:
Filmpire course –

🎨 Design by: |

In this course, you’ll learn:
– React functional components and their reusability
– React file and folder structure
– You’ll achieve mastery using Tailwind CSS
– Fundamental CSS properties to master flex
– From soft and pleasant animations to complex gradients
– Perfectly placed media queries for satisfactory responsiveness on all devices
– And at the end, you’ll learn how to deploy your websites to extremely fast servers and give them a custom domain name using Hostinger

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πŸ’Ό Business Inquiries:

πŸ‘‡ Time Stamps
00:00:00 Intro & Setup
00:16:00 Structure & Layout
00:30:53 Navbar
00:44:23 Hero Section
01:07:24 Stats
01:12:36 Business section
01:27:15 Billing section
01:35:34 Card Deal
01:40:41 Testimonials
01:55:28 CTA Section
01:59:18 Footer
02:12:11 Deployment



  1. I don't really get the idea of creating custom utility classes like 'paddingY', 'boxWidth' or 'flexCenter' for example, if there are only 2-3 classes in them, why bother? You literally don't use them yourself in some parts of the code, like in Hero component. I'd rather write two more regular Tailwind classes instead of creating a mess like Β«className={`flex-1 ${styles.flexStart} flex-col text-[16px] xl:px-0 sm:px-16 px-6`}Β», it's too hard to read it in my opinion, especially if you see this code for the first time. Also, why do we even need an additional 'ss:' breakpoint? Why not use a utility class 'space-x-10' in <ul> of Navbar component?

  2. Awesome tutorial thank you!

    I want to keep going and build out some of the pages on the footer. What would be the cleanest way to do this? Throw this page on Express as index and route to other pages like "/blog" or put everything between the Nav Bar and Footer into its own component <LandingPage /> and set state not to show it when <Blog /> is clicked? Thanks

  3. PS C:Usersshakhawat.hossain07Desktopmodern_app_challenge> npm create vite@latest

    √ Project name: … modern_app_challenge

    √ Select a framework: » React

    ? Select a variant: Β» – Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.

    > JavaScript


    // Why react is not showing in my variant?

  4. actually while coding in tailwind I noticed that sm:px-16 px-6 does not apply as you showed in the video it applies in the opposite order… when researching I found that, The problem is: Tailwind is a mobile-first framework and it should be the opposite of what you had mentioned. so it would be px-16 and sm:px-6

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