In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a responsive website with HTML5 and CSS3. I will go step by step in building a website. You’ll learn how to layout easily using Flexbox. A Flexbox is a new layout mode in CSS3. You can use the flexbox property in building a real-time website that would save the developers a lot of effort. In this tutorial, we’ll see how easy it is to layout and make the website responsive (render on mobile devices) using Flexbox.

If you are new to Flexbox, click the link below to see the flexbox tutorial. It contains practical examples and exercises that will help you understand better.

I’ve also uploaded the code for this website in GitHub. You can download the code and learn by yourself.

Link to Flexbox tutorial for Beginners:

Link to code:

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  1. This is not a responsive site at all, if you don't know then its ok. If you don't know, whether responsive site are not ,just try to check it the same site which you have already build, on your cell the way well-done.

  2. Short and sweet but with clear explanation. Long tutorials due to very slow explanations tend to bore viewers. This tutorial though, is awesome. Thanks for sharing and keep making more! I've subscribed!

    The background music is annoying and distracting, though!

  3. Thank you for this. Precise, up to point. And trust me when i say this, this is the first channel which i could follow along and code. and things actually match. and 0 errors or mismatch. So thank you.

  4. Thank you for the video! I have downloaded the master file and I have not been able to create the text effect over the "Latest and Our Picks" images. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

  5. Superb tutorial abarna mam ur tutorials is really very helpful.Mam I request to u please aap calculator with voice input wala tutorial hindi mein bhi banaye & also make mini project website using pure html css and javascript. keep up the good work thanks for sharing ur knowledge🙏👍

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