Home Web Design Become a WordPress Developer: Unlocking Power with Code

Become a WordPress Developer: Unlocking Power with Code


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I’ve posted a newer video here on YouTube about Block Themes and Full Site Editing!

Please check the pinned comment for information about changes to the JS & CSS files we’re trying to load from the GitHub repository.

0:0:00 Quick Overview
0:2:06 Detailed Overview
0:12:05 Installing WordPress Locally
0:25:35 First Taste of PHP
0:41:55 Create Theme
0:54:20 Functions
1:09:14 Arrays
1:21:43 The Loop
1:36:10 Header & Footer
1:54:44 Convert HTML/CSS Into Theme
2:14:42 Interior Page Template
2:32:28 Parent / Child Pages
2:49:16 When do we need to echo?
2:58:17 Children Links Menu

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  1. Hey everyone, in the lesson that starts at 1:54:44 I want to let you know of a few changes that have happened since this video was uploaded. In the video, when you visit the GitHub repo I reference, there is no longer a folder called "js" – it is now called "src" instead.

    Also, there is no "style.css" file in the root of the repo folder, instead, copy over the entire "build" folder from the repo and then in our functions.php file, our university_files function that loads our CSS and JS files should now look like this instead:

    function university_files() {
    wp_enqueue_style('custom-google-fonts', '//,300i,400,400i,700,700i|Roboto:100,300,400,400i,700,700i');
    wp_enqueue_style('font-awesome', '//');

    wp_enqueue_script('googleMap', '//', NULL, '1.0', true);

    wp_enqueue_script('main-university-js', get_theme_file_uri('/build/index.js'), array('jquery'), '1.0', true);
    wp_enqueue_style('our-main-styles-vendor', get_theme_file_uri('/build/index.css'));
    wp_enqueue_style('our-main-styles', get_theme_file_uri('/build/style-index.css'));

    wp_localize_script('main-university-js', 'universityData', array(
    'root_url' => get_site_url(),
    'nonce' => wp_create_nonce('wp_rest')


  2. At 1:26:04 I'm getting this error… am i missing something ?
    "My Directory": XAMPPhtdocsPracticeIndex.php

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function have_posts() in "My Directory" :2 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in "My Directory" on line 2

  3. I completed the lesson, added the code below. All is good on my local install of wordpress.

    I zip the AmazingUniverstiy Theme and up load to BlueHost.

    Theme install error – no stlye.css file found. My Style.css in the root dir is a comment only, no code.

    How do I fix this issue v?

    Thank you for suce a great lesson !!! 🙂

  4. FYI to any new watchers: when you click to view the course it will say "now only $15 for the next 5 hours". They are trying to FOMO you into buying before even knowing what you are purchasing. Just know that it will go back down to $15 if you open in an incognito window, so take your time, finish the first 3 hours here, and know what you are buying 😉

  5. Hey man cant thank you enough for this tutorial, so helpful. This is legitimately the best tutorial I have seen and it shows me EXACTLY what I needed to know. Thank you so so much.

  6. You're a wonderful teacher. As you explain in great detail what you're doing; you're saving people like me who don't even know where to begin with WordPress development. I combed the vast internet regarding this subject matter for weeks and usually end up in a dead-end (confused and demoralized). Your teaching however makes what I have learnt relevant (I can now have context to things I learnt from others which didn't make sense before). You are an excellent 'foundational' teacher (meaning everybody should come to you first before evolving and learning from other sources). I cannot thank you enough; I don't feel lost anymore. You have my permission to use my comment as feedback for your course.

  7. i have an interview for a job that uses wordpress and i don't know wordpress at all lol. thx for the vid. would you say that someone who finished your wordpress course would have the same amount of skills/knowledge of your average wordpress dev?

  8. I PICKED ACER IT WASN"T ABOUT ME DUDE >> this is a joke.. but no really installing the software and not the cloud.. cause of the connectivity and spam and everything I'm telling you I have to lobby the government for my abuses in technology all together. I mean, I picked Acer, but I went with the new dragon C laptop set of characters. red dragon csi.. or something… but I picked ACER personally. But because I knew they sold the Red Dragon at Walmart. I went with CSI… but.. I still believe in Dell or …

  9. This is AMAZING! I've been a beginner coder for 20 years. I keep taking classes every few years but then don't use it enough and forget just enough to make me feel like I need a refresher. Then take more classes to refresh my memory and so on. So I've taken a lot of coding classes. This is THE BEST tutorial I've taken on programming. Your detailed style is so good. Most teachers skip over the little details and I love how you don't do that. Thank you!

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