Learn how to develop an android app from scratch in this full course for beginners. No prior programming experience required!
Here is the 2nd part of this course (also free!): https://youtu.be/RcSHAkpwXAQ

In this course, you will learn how to build a real-word Android application from scratch using Java. On the way to building an Android app, you will learn the basics of programming in Java and object-oriented programming.

✏️ Course from MeiCode. Check out his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE3wAhsfp4wGRgHXIQjVx0w

Extended 55-hour course: https://courses.meicode.org/courses/android2020

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00) Course Introduction
⌨️ (3:12) Setup The Environment
⌨️ (18:52) Create Your First Application (Part 1)
⌨️ (43:53) Create Your First Application (Part 2)
⌨️ (59:20) Challenge
⌨️ (1:07:19) Variables and Arithmetic Operators
⌨️ (1:31:12) Relational and Logical Operators) Conditional Statements
⌨️ (1:47:43) Loops
⌨️ (2:04:13) Challenge (Create a Game)
⌨️ (2:16:00) Simple Arrays
⌨️ (2:27:51) Object Oriented Programming (Part 1)
⌨️ (2:49:30) Object Oriented Programming (Part 2)
⌨️ (3:06:02) Object Oriented Programming (Part 3)
⌨️ (3:19:41) OOP Challenge
⌨️ (3:43:56) Collections in Java
⌨️ (4:06:14) Static Keyword – Inner Classes
⌨️ (4:17:04) Interfaces and Abstract Classes
⌨️ (4:35:26) Concurrency – Exceptions
⌨️ (4:46:05) Singleton Pattern
⌨️ (4:56:00) Challenge (Part 1)
⌨️ (5:18:16) Challenge (Part 2)
⌨️ (5:39:40) User Interface Basics (Part 1)
⌨️ (6:04:21) User Interface Basics (Part 2)
⌨️ (6:33:09) User Interface Basics (Part 3)
⌨️ (6:58:39) Layouts
⌨️ (7:26:53) Images
⌨️ (7:37:32) ListView and Spinner
⌨️ (8:00:57) Different XML Files (Part 1)
⌨️ (8:29:41) Different XML Files (Part 2)
⌨️ (8:41:09) Material Design
⌨️ (8:59:58) Snackbar and CardView
⌨️ (9:16:51) RecyclerView (Part 1)
⌨️ (9:39:02) RecyclerView (Part 2)
⌨️ (10:03:50) RecyclerView (Part 3)
⌨️ (10:22:26) Fonts
⌨️ (10:38:35) Challenge (Part 1)
⌨️ (10:57:16) Challenge (Part 2)
⌨️ (10:13:18) Create App’s First Page – Intents
⌨️ ⭐️ More in part 2: https://youtu.be/RcSHAkpwXAQ



  1. Did you know that division by zero when using double datatype will not throw an exception? Rather,it will give back the value "infinity.".This is to mean that when doing exception handling, no exception will be thrown. Hence, the application will run normally, and that may cause issues.

  2. Dude my uni in Queensland Australia linked us this video instead of teaching us the content that we paid for themselves. It's a good video but like what am I paying for lol

  3. Thanks for uploading this course. Let me start by saying that I'm an absolute beginner.
    I'm following your instructions step-by-step. At the end of "create your first app part 2" when I try to test the button we created my app does not load on my virtual device. Instead I only get an error message while trying to load the app.

    Error while executing: am start -n "com.example.helloworld/com.example.helloworld.MainActivity" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER

    Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] cmp=com.example.helloworld/.MainActivity }

    Error type 3

    Error: Activity class {com.example.helloworld/com.example.helloworld.MainActivity} does not exist.

    I rechecked the steps a few times and even the code which looks exactly like yours. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

  4. the best teacher I could say. He explained the class like to kindergarten kids. Omg, I spent so much time in reading and debugging to fully understand it. Now where can I take his course for deeper learning for android development?

  5. Hi Meison, thank you for the course, I found it veery useful, studying it last several days.
    And I have a question about "Singelton Pattern" part. There in method getIntstance you receive a name for class if you are calling this method first time, but what should I do with name parameter when I call this methods next time? I think I will have to pass as parameter whatever as String, to use this method right?

  6. For some reason at 50:00 my (R.id.txtMessage) is causing an error saying “@layout/activity_main does not contain a declaration with id txtMessage”

    The id for the String is definitely txtMessage. Anyone know what I should do?

  7. @11:50 , I do not have the "Android SDK Tools" option to install below "Android SK Platform-Tools" OR the "Documentation for Android SDK" option. How can I acquire these packages?

  8. 5:32:00
    This picador didn't say that you can't remove from a collection while iterating. Doing it throws ConcurrentModificationException.

    So in deleteContact() method instead of:

    for (Contact c: contacts) {

    if (c.getName().equals(name)) {

    doesExist = true;




    You need to write an iterator. Something like:

    Iterator<Contact> iterator = contacts.iterator();

    while (iterator.hasNext()) {

    Contact c = iterator.next();

    if (c.getName().equals(name)) {

    doesExist = true;





  9. Respect. Sir, not only did you do this for free, you did it for nearly 12 hours, not only did you do it that long, you did it at 2 AM and even after all that you probably saved my degree. Thank you

  10. At 10:02:47
    the final keyword wasnt put there by autocompletion on my end, and on adding it manually, the ide changed its error warning message to Do not treat position as fixed; only use immediately and call holder.getAdapterPosition() to look it up later
    when pressing on apply changes and run, after reinstalling the app, it works though..should i Supress the error warning (red underline) then for this error?

    Also, all the stuff with build.gradle doesnt work on my side, often i can just ignore it, or find the newer version of something by luck, but it didnt work with Glide. My auto generated build.gradle (Project) looks like this:
    // Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.

    plugins {

    id 'com.android.application' version '7.3.1' apply false

    id 'com.android.library' version '7.3.1' apply false


    and styles.xml is not there by default

  11. Android SDK is up to date.

    Unable to install Intel® HAXM

    HAXM can only be installed on Windows.

    Please file a bug against Android Studio.



    Help. my cpu is AMD

  12. Can you build a grocery delivery app with an admin side where you can list different kinds of stores and their products
    And a driver's side so he/she can select orders and With a GPS for location
    And a customer side where they can choose and select items from different stores in one app and put them on the cart and and be able to transfer/deposit money in their profile account like online lottery and order

  13. My English is not very strong and I require subtitles while watching videos. However, starting from 4:23:00, the subtitles seem to have malfunctioned and are no longer accurate. I'm not sure how to fix it because I can't keep up with the audio

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