AI Art will change how web design is done in the future. In this video I cover how to use MidJourney artificial intelligence image generation to replace traditional searching for stock photos. Like ChatGPT, it’s based on text inputs to produce website design art.

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I want to create a coffee site, so I’ll show how I can replace traditional searches for stock images on sites like shutterstock. While the UI and UX are important for making website designs, this video will cover how classic stock images play a part in web design process and how AI tools like Dalle from OpenAI and MidJourney can replace this process.

I Don’t Need Stock Anymore! I Use AI Art Web Design Instead!

#ai #aiart #midjourney

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  1. The ethics behind this process are kind of shady. Did you pay for the stock image your using here ? I’m all for using AI to enhance our work but let’s remunerate and credit the OG artist tho.

  2. So, you just confirmed that you, Mister Millennial are lazy and non-creative, and that AI art is theft. theft is a crime and a sin. you promote sin and theft. There for you must be arrested, convicted and sentence to either being stoned or having your hands cut off. And when you die, your soul will be bound to hell. So, tell me how your computer will be able to negotiate with Satan to spare your life.

  3. Copyright covers only the literal mechanical reproduction of an original artwork, nothing else. If for instance you make a duplicate, of a jpeg of a photograph, of a Picasso, you’ve infringed the copywrite of the guy who took the photo, HE infringed the copyright of Picasso by mechanically reproducing the original painting, not you. So, unless you’re done exactly that, copyright is irrelevant. ‘Passing off’ someone else’s artworks or product as you own is a different offence. Look at Lidl and ALDI packaging, they understand copyright and passing off perfectly. Yes, it looks like a Nescafe coffee jar label, but it has a different name (so not passing off) and they didn’t mechanically reproduce the Nescafe label, so no copyright infringement. Claims like "you copied my idea", "you copied my style", "it looks like" my painting, photopgraph, design, product etc. are legally total BS.

  4. @codexcommunity Is it possible to incorporate your product renderings? For example, using a rendering of your brands coffee bag with logo? It seems AI will be very limited in terms of e-commerce until it can make versions with your actual product in it

  5. Is it possible to incorporate your product renderings? For example, using a rendering of your brands coffee bag with logo? It seems AI will be very limited in terms of e-commerce until it can make versions with your actual product in it

  6. I am an artist myself I think I have to adapt and go hand in hand with AI Art and don't fight it.
    I found a way to include it in my physical artworks. The whole creative process just changed. I think completly different when typing in words than when I stare on a blank canvas.
    Now I creat fusion paintings of digital art and classic acrylic painting. I use Midjourney and Photoshop to make digital artworks, print them onto canvas and then I add structure, gold leaf and acrylic paint and stuff manually. Super unique!

    I get that people are angry if AI uses their artworks unasked, but on the other hand, pop-artists already "steal" from Disney all the time. People cutting out stuff from newspaper to make collages do the same just on another medium. And even the old masters of painting had almost all the same style….so yeah, people should adapt and see the possibilities of AI and how it can change or even improve their works. Progress always comes at a cost.

  7. Ai is taking art and photography that is already on the internet and rendering it. Without real artist and photographers ai art wouldn't be possible and it definitely can't update it's self

  8. I don't know why everyone is saying it looks great. It doesn't. It looks rather bad. If you zoom in, you'll see that it's not actually coffee beans, it's just a pixelated mess that LOOKS LIKE coffee beans from a distance. As it stands, it's not ready for production at all. It might be good enough for prototyping and inspiration, but it will probably need another 2-3 years before it can be considered for real-world use.

    edit. I should add it can probably used in prod if you are going for some kind of abstract-y stuff where details dont really matter.

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