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Adobe Creative Cloud gives you the world’s best creative apps so you can turn your brightest ideas into your greatest work across your desktop and mobile devices.

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  1. This was surprisingly forgettable. I watched Sneaks before this and the tech there was inspiring and interesting. It really got me thinking of the possibilities. This? Not at all.

    The biggest take away is Adobe is finally putting some effort into Adobe Express after neglecting it for ages and lagging far behind Canva for years.

  2. I'm still looking for Adobe Premiere "Starter – Templates" files. Most my work follows the same template/format. We would like a file that says "music video" and it open the file format including folders with files to the music video premiere pro template.

  3. Hey @adobe creative cloud I've got a great idea for you… how about you stop gaslighting your users and start respecting and listening what pro users have to say when we provide feedback in the… wait for it… feedback forums!!!

  4. THESE are Adobes public speakers? No wonder you have to scam users with a dubious fee of ADOBESTOCK. F+ck you guys and your stupid Monopoly. Listening the most boring people try to sound like they know what creativity is. The tonality of their voices is even off. Seriously you couldn't get professional speakers? Anyone with a Baritone voice in the entire employee list? Weak.

  5. Jfc, how about giving us rewritten versions of the legacy apps instead of pretending like you care about innovation and workflow? Seriously, for the last couple of versions, illustrator/indesign/photoshop regularly pushes the fans on my mbp to 80-90CΒ° even if they're idle in the background containing no complex information. And browsing the user forums, I can tell that it's not a fringe issue either.

  6. So adobe express is canva on steroids.

    Stop empowering the theft of my photos and the photos of other photographers through AI. I am being forced to change my presentation of my photos into video format in hopes that ai won't use my hard work in capturing my images. This thing of giving everyone access to everyone is a change in direction for adobe. They can't compete with Canva and other platforms. But they can if they focused on the pro and not those who are not pros. EXPRESS IS REPLACING DESIGNERS NOT EMPOWERING THEM.

  7. A truly outstanding intro. I especially liked the exploding graphics @1:22 which looked like something Terry Gilliam would love to have done in his Monty Python days. I suspect his goto place when he needs to de-stress is sitting in front of a screen messing with After Effects.

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