I built this entire website using a single AI tool that only requires a single prompt. Simply tell the tool what you want your product to do and it will create an entire website for you. You can even play around with it for free.

Mixo: https://www.futuretools.io/tools/mixo

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#AIDesign #AIArt #AIwebsite



  1. How can make a website containing 2,3 pages ? Like what prompt should i enter if i want a online sneaker store site with a price of catalogue including each product and I could edit them as per i need

  2. Love you videos, but not that impressed by this type of tool… The issue is that with such a short prompt you don't really capture nor the essence of a brand nor the depth of the products you might try to sell. I find it much more efficient to use midjourney to generate relevant pics and design ideas and then implement them directly in a no code platform. I didn't find that much value in creating that first version with a prompt. But as you say to do validation it is probably good enough….

  3. It's essentially a default template that's being filled by some ai generated content and images. All fields are "pre-made" and they just tell the system to fill them with the content.

    Disappointed by the lack of true AI in use here. Feels like we're being fooled.

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