8 Hours Complete Course WordPress Tutorial for Beginners 2024
This course is designed to teach you the basics of WordPress so that you can start building your own website with WordPress. You will learn how to install WordPress and set up a website. You will learn how to create pages and post content, and you will also learn how to install plugins and themes.
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Please watch: “In 2023 Best Plugin For Search Engine Optimization SEO”
00:00:00 Welcome to the course
00:02:58 WordPress.com VS WordPress.org
00:07:42 What is WordPress
00:10:37 How Much WordPress cost
00:11:27 Damain name
00:12:08 Web Hosting
00:15:19 Install WordPress
00:19:03 Install WordPress locally
00:26:05 Install WordPress on web hosting
00:42:46 Interface Overview
00:49:29 Manage post & Page
00:57:13 Library
01:00:21 Comments
01:02:28 Change theme
01:07:23 Overview plugins
01:14:34 WP default Content
01:16:15 Navigation Interface
01:20:25 Dashboard Nav. Menu
01:22:30 Dashboard Page Customize
01:24:59 Managing Post
01:29:58 Managing Page
01:32:43 Managing Media library
01:35:52 Managing Comments
01:37:58 Overview Themes
01:43:20 Overview Plugins
01:51:58 Overview Users
01:56:30 Overview Genaral Settings
02:00:23 Wrinting Setings
02:04:32 Discussion Setting
02:08:05 Media Settings
02:11:44 Permerlinks Structure
02:15:27 Privacy settings
02:17:09 Managing Users
02:23:26 Start Managing Post
02:52:24 Tips And Tricks
02:58:51 WordPress Default Themes



  1. Thank you so much for this tutorial! Your insight and the work you put into this are phenomenal! You have saved me time, energy and mental fluidity! I will recommend this whenever and however I can with others! I hope your business stays awesomely fruitful and that your year is filled with joy and happiness!

  2. Thanks very much Brad for the course, a pleasure to follow it. Iยดve got a query that you might help please. Can you advise on how to make a multilingual site? Is there a recommended plugin or theme? My purpose is to create an spanish/ english /french/german site. Thanks very much

  3. This tutorial could have been shortened a lot by not being so repetitive. Good tutorial overall, but we don't need to hear the same thing 2-3x. "Once again" is used with rehashing the same thing in 2-3 ways so many times.

  4. Guys serious question, when you customize WordPress websites like in this video tutorial, do you generally consider yourselves "website designers" or "website developers" when you promote or tell to future clients what you do for website services?

  5. I think this video would have been far more useful had it been in reverse order. I think opening with a complete web site build would have been great and would have given us the overall flow very quickly. Then go back and go through each major action such as theme selection, palette and font selection, etc, and cover the details such as where to search for these items and how to make the changes. It was far too tedious and repetitive to get to the point of actually doing what most of us came here to do.

    I think the presenter did a great job and has a great style, just now need to add some sound organization to the video and it would be fantastic.

  6. My understanding is that the free Wordfence version gets updates 30 days behind the paid versions. Iโ€™m not sure how useful a protection system is that is always 30 days behind the threats.

  7. I am about 1/3 into the video and am quite impressed thus far. This is the best instruction I have come across to date. One question: is it mandatory to start with a theme? It appears that one could build everything from scratch in WordPress for a simple site. What isnโ€™t clear to me is if the facility to resize things for tablets and phones is part of the theme or is that done automatically by WordPress?

  8. Thanks. For anyone on Windows who installs localwp, and then gets a 'site not found' error when starting WPAdmin – make sure IIS isn't already running. Hit the Windows key and type IIS to see if it's installed. If it is, load up the interface then right-click your computer name over on the left and select Stop.

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