In this video we will talk about some important software design patterns

Jack Herrington YouTube Channel:

0:00 – Intro
2:14 – Singleton Pattern
3:51 – Facade Pattern
5:48 – Bridge/Adapter Pattern
8:02 – Strategy Pattern
9:48 – Observer Pattern



  1. Thanks a lot! Great video, also for me my favorite pattern is strategy and with observable rxjs with angular I can learn the best practise to build solid and reusable component that access to data async and modelling data angular only when subscribe is finished. Awesome . See u

  2. Great video. Only one comment, Pub/Sub is not the same as Observer. In the Observer pattern the publisher knows the subscribers and reports update directly to them. In the Pub/Sub pattern the publisher is more like a publisher in the real world, they do not know who is interested in the data published, they just publish and the consumers look into a broker for messages they care about.

  3. Oh it is called the pub/sub design patten. Good to know. Since I was forced to learn reactive programing (cause I needed to see how Angular 2+ works) I fell in love with it.
    I use it on Angular, Android Java, Flutter and on the server (BehaviorSubject) or Project Reactor.
    Yes sometimes an event creates indirectly more of the same even and things end up with 100% CPU.

  4. Before I was practicing design patterns in my own frameworks I built, now with spring boot most of the boilerplate comes builtin in the framework and I'm turning to a configuration engineer and I do not like that much it to be honest.

  5. Hi Jack. Great video, thank you. I'd mention that the difference between Bridge and Adapter is that Adapter is about interfaces. You adapt from the interface you get (say lines) to the interface you need (say points). While the Bridge is about components. Bridge is connecting components together through abstractions. Your explanation of the Bridge design pattern is absolutely correct and beautiful, I am just reacting to your phrase with which you started the bridge part – you said that you'd call it adapter. Thanks again for making this video.

  6. Hi all, just wanted to say thay another great book that is re-read of the gang of four book is: Game Programming Pattern by Robert Nystrom. Trust me if you are not a game dev. but lets say someone who "gamed" this one will sync with you so easily.

  7. Personally I think patterns shouldn't be taught to beginners. It kills creativity, rather than trying solutions and discovering patterns, they end up trying to shoe horn these patterns into their code.

    What is your challenge.
    How do you want to try to solve it.
    Can your solution be improved. If not, congrats you may have found a new pattern to be a do or die in job interviews for the next decade.
    Do you think any of the popular patterns will work better in this instance.

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