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  1. I have an opportunity through my current employer to get a BS in Web Development 100% paid by them. Would you think this would be a good route to take?? BTW I'm not familiar with web dev AT ALL.

  2. I am currently starting being a self-taught developer and hopefully, this year 2022 will help me from transitioning my career and be a programmer! this is amazing and thank you for being one of my inspirations for pursuing this!!! heads up! come visit the Philippines kuya!

  3. How much freedom do you have to travel in web development. I am thinking about switching careers and I am looking at web development as an option. But one of the main things I am looking is a bit of freedom to travel around. So far, I love your content, it looks genuine and with great production value.

  4. I've been studying to become a front end developer using The Odin Project and Udemy on and off for a few months, but this month I've been serious about learning. Hopefully by the end of 2022 I get a job, that's my main goal in life right now. Thanks for this vid, it's given me even more motivation than I already had.

  5. @ChrisSean Hey man, I hope all is well. I have been following you for a bit and ive been living the tech grind for 15 years in cloudvirtualization space. I have worked both as a escalation engineer helping customers find bugs with software in this space. I am at a point where I wanna stay in tech but dont necessarily wanna be a people manager. My current situation is that I am 45 years old and worried about the ageism thing that happens in tech. Given the current opp, I feel like I wanna add some front end web dev skills and start freelancing on the side and maybe consider a move over to dev side of tech. I wanted to reach out to see what your thoughts were on someone in my age bracket breaking into webdev at this stage of life ?

  6. Just started learning html and css on Saturday! Very keen to dive into JS once I’ve got my head around those two, going to try and build a mock 2/3 page website from scratch nothing fancy tonight. Wish me luck

  7. Haha this guy scumming people to become a web developer with unrealistic salaries haha . I’ve been a full stack developer for 4 years and my salary still not 6 figures 🤷🏻‍♂️ anyway it you only doing it for money, then you wont make it 100% . Instead of wasting your time watching this video go learn how to centre a dev or how to make a responsive website. don’t expect to learn ReactJs in 6 to 9 months 👍🏼

  8. I just want to say thank you Chris for always being open and sharing your journey! I get so inspired after watching your videos. I’m a struggling new mom that really wants to do well for my son and when I discovered my interest in tech I never thought that I would ever be smart enough to be able to work in the industry but once I found your videos you really helped to spark something in me to just say fuck it and study my ass off as much as I can! So again thank you, watching your success not only makes me happy but has kept me motivated and hopeful that this struggle in life wont last forever! ..Also, side note: My family is also from the Philippines, in Manila.

  9. Hey, I got a question. How does one market themselves and learn how to express themselves as a developer? I feel like my biggest issue as a developer has been marketing myself and putting myself out there.

  10. My only concern is do you have to be located in the big cities, like SF Bay, LA, Seattle, NYC, etc, to see these big salaries? I live in a small city that my family and I are very happy with and don't want to leave. Will I be able to find a good salary here doing web development?

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