Got 11 minutes? I’ve got 30 web design tips that will help you make better websites.
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All great designers will sometimes break rules. But there are some dos and don’ts for web design that should always be followed. In today’s video, we’re sharing 30 tips from a web designer that will level up your website design skills and workflow. So, whether you’re new to web design or an experienced developer, we’re sure there are some web designer tips in here that will help you in your next project. If not, share a tip or some web design best practices that you know that might help your peers in the comments below!

Some of the professional web design tips that we’ll be covering in today’s video are the golden ratio in website design, images, whitespace, font tips in web design, style guides, color tips in web design, responsive web design, flexbox, and animations. Over the years, designing for the web has evolved from its code-based roots. Today, it’s gotten much easier and quicker to design websites. In some of these web designer tips and tricks that I’ll be sharing I’ll be referencing an amazing website builder that I’ve been using for the last year, and that’s Editor X. If you’re not comfortable coding, I highly encourage this tool for designing your next site.

Looking to get started with designing your next website with Editor X:

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New to the channel? My name’s Brad Hussey. I’m a web designer and I’ve partnered with Editor X to create an inspiring, educational, and world-class YouTube channel and community for professional web designers and design agencies who are mastering the art, business, and craft of web design. On this channel, I’ll show you how to build websites with little code. I’ll also cover topics like, choosing fonts for web design, layout design for websites, and tons of Editor X tips and tricks videos and guides to get you started on your website creation process.

Learn how to make responsive websites and join us every week for new web designer tutorials, Editor X videos, livestreams, and challenges.

0:00 30 Web Design Tips in 11 Minutes
0:19 Tips for New Web Designers
1:10 Typography, Colors, Buttons & Images
3:22 Layout Tips in Web Design
4:32 Keeping the Design Simple for Users
8:29 Buttons & CTAs in Web Design
10:00 Community, Practice, Publish!

#WebDesign #EditorX #WebsiteDevelopment



  1. Wow! Your top comment on here already says it, but this is such a hidden gem. This is by far the best tips video for design I have seen. So practical and to the point. The video editing alone is perfect and really highlights the design principals discussed.

    Absolutely fantastic job.

  2. Your videos are very useful and provide lots of information. I have received lots of help after watching this post, please continue to share this kind of information. Thank you.

  3. great video bro, i am going over it a second time and taking notes. you have a fun playful personality too which translates and makes the video much more entertaining to watch

  4. thank you so much Brad, you are informative and creative. I'm a small business owner. I want to create a great web page. thank you again for giving me a place to start. I am joining your group and will look forward to learning and becoming more and more comfortable with web design.

    Andy a new student!

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