A collection of stunning web design ideas, effects and techniques from cool developers around the world in 2019.
Source Code: https://redstapler.co/10-stunning-web-design-ideas-2019/
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#WebDesign #Inspiration #CSS



  1. Really great stuff, just note that some things can be done with fewer packages or some vanilla JS and CSS. Example, droppy woppy input can be done with matter.js and some css tweaking. Keep up with the great vids.

  2. They all Look fine but the shop grid is not well separated to be useful. The brands blend with the brand next to it. I would make the shadows more present. Most of those effects have one big problem. Aside from some promotion i get far beter user experience without them.

  3. I have to be honest… I feel like there is a different level of quality between your website and your YouTube channel. I bookmarked the site cause I saw some really cool tutorials but kinda got a slight "shady" vibe from the site. It could have been ads or just the layout, not sure.

    However, your content here is top-notch and shows a level of detail and consideration that one might not get from the website. Since your clearly a thoughtful and knowledgeable designer and developer, I would suggest a redesign of the site. Just a suggestion, but either way thanks for all the content and keep it up.

  4. Me: i want to created outstanding web design, Client: i want u to make a website for us, but we dont care about design, our budget only a half for your demand, just use wordpress template!

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