Home Web Design Tutorials 🚀Animated Websites with HTML, CSS, and JS | Responsive | Front-End Minor Project 2024...

🚀Animated Websites with HTML, CSS, and JS | Responsive | Front-End Minor Project 2024 🔥🤯


Welcome to our comprehensive tutorial on animating websites using HTML, CSS, and JS! In this in-depth video, we’ll take you on a journey through the world of web animation, covering essential concepts and techniques to bring your websites to life.

In this tutorial, we will:

🌐 Explore GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform): Learn the ropes of GSAP and unlock the magic of smooth animations that will captivate your audience.

🌐 Master Hosting: Discover the ins and outs of hosting your website, making it accessible to the world.

🌐 Execute a Front-End Minor Project for 2023: Put your skills to the test with a cutting-edge front-end project that will not only impress your professors but also get your website recognized on Awwwards, a prestigious platform for design excellence.

🌐 Achieve Awwwards Recognition: We’ll walk you through the steps to create a jaw-dropping website that has the potential to win Awwwards accolades, catapulting you into the spotlight.

Whether you’re a student looking to ace your college projects or a budding web designer seeking industry recognition, this tutorial is your golden ticket to success.

Join us on this creative journey as we build an amazing website that’s set to make waves in 2023. Don’t miss out on the chance to stand out, learn new skills, and leave a mark in your college community.

Hit that play button and let’s get started on your path to front-end greatness! 🔥✨

Instructor in this video: Sarthak Sharma

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Peace ✌️

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  1. Uncaught TypeError: elemC.forEach is not a function
    at script.js:15:8

    I got this type of error on my website, so what I doing is coming in part 3 where we enter mouse or touch mouse then change the picture with every selection of touch or click.

  2. if swiper js does not work on your system then wrap the javascript code of swiperjs like this:

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    var swiper = new Swiper(".mySwiper", {

    slidesPerView: 4,

    spaceBetween: 30,

    centeredSlides: true,

    pagination: {

    el: ".swiper-pagination",

    clickable: true,


    scrollbar: {

    el: '.swiper-scrollbar',




  3. Please create one exclusive video on JWT authentication in ReactJS or NodeJS in such a way that any beginner can understand and can get a full explanation from scratch to advanced.

    You can explain using any project also.

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