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In this video I’ll show you how to setup the audio player in your WordPress site and display it on any page using a simple shortcode. We’ll also walk through the different ways to customize your audio player, to best suite your theme needs.

AudioIgniter is an easy to use WordPress plugin for displaying HTML5 playlists of your audio files anywhere on your website.

The core plugin is completely free from, with a Pro upgrade which allows you to a bit more, most notably:

+ Customizing the player
+ Drag-n-drop tracks
+ SoundCloud sync
+ Batch upload files

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  1. I agree with the "one file embed" feature request. It makes sense for blog posts (e.g. podcast posts) but also for embeding just a single file directly in a WooCoomerce product page. It's a bit of an overkill to have to create a seperate playlist just for one song. Yes you can embed MP3 files directly in WP, but its all about the styling. The most elegant solution would be a "universal" player design that can be customized (for single file play) within AudioIgniter and which overrides the default WooCommerce design. Then you just drop the MP3 file whereever you want and the custom design from AudioIgniter is then used auto-magically.

    Second request: Right now we need to add an entry for every audio file in AudioIgniter AND seperately in WooCommerce (if you want to sell podcasts or songs). A solution that combines data-entry efficiently, so we only have to add a new entry once for both player and WOO product database, is probably a big ask, but would really make AudioIgniter the default audio plugin for WP and WOO for years to come.

  2. Hi, because of you I just bought the audio igniter. It seemed easy, but I do experience the following problem: The tracks are not visible in the lines? I followed your video explanation and can not find out what I did wrong? I am realy looking forward to get some feedback and want to thank you in advance!

  3. Very helpful video and I love the simplicity of the player…. Now the free version is great but how do I make a Jukebox with this being the default player… Meaning how would I makes a source page that shows and searches albums from your library like a Jukebox? Thanks again

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