This video is part of my HTML & CSS video course:

Learn how to add background images with CSS (repeat or tile, position, size, and multiple images assigned to a single element).

If you want a full screen background try applying these background image techniques to the “html” or “body” element.

If you want a “fixed” or “sticky” background image try adding the following declaration to the relevant CSS rule: “background-attachment: fixed;”

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  1. I just want to compliment you on how your videos are done. Text is a good size, easy to see, voice is clean and clear easy to understand what you're saying. You've done an excellent job. Thanks for the video.

  2. Excellent explaining background property.. thanks. sir kindly make one more complete tutorial on pseudo classes and pseudo elements in css3 thanks for making this Marvellous tutorial ..

  3. I love your videos! I was having big trouble with this feature, and as usual you cleared it right up. Please keep making videos, your html & CSS tutorials have helped me more than any other youtube channel 🙂

  4. Wow!!! I know this was published a few years ago, but I am learning HTML and CSS, and about to learn Java Script and Jquery. But I bought a book by Jon Duckett and looked all over the place online and nowhere at all do they mentioned the helpful information that in CSS it's going to be looking in the CSS folder, so you have to use the ../ to get it out of the CSS folder. Thank you so so much! I was very frustrated until I watched this video!

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